Hackthebox - Late
This post is focused on the walkthrough of Easy Machine Late from HackTheBox.
Starting out with the initial nmap scan.
We have ports 22 and 80 is open. So let’s enumerate port 80 now.
We have a website here titled Late.
Scrolling through the website I found a link pointing to images.late.htb.
Let’s add late.htb and images.late.htb in our /etc/hosts file.
Visiting images.late.htb we have,
The title says it converts image to text. Let’s try that out.
I took a screenshot of a text and uploaded the file and it returned with the correct text. I uploaded,
It returned,
Since the title of the page says it converts image to text with flask. I started trying most common vulnerability of flask Server Side Template Injection (SSTI).
I uploaded the following payload.
And it returned 49.
This confirmed the SSTI. I further enumerated to confirm the template engine and it turned out to be Jinja2.
Gaining Access
For command injection, I injected the following payload from PayloadAllTheThings.
And got the following output.
Boom! Our command successfully got injected. Let’s grab the ssh private key for a stable command shell.
The output,
Privilege Escalation
After enumerating for a while I came across a file in /usr/local/sbin.
Reading the file’s contents.
As can be seen this file is sending a mail to root@late.htb every time a ssh login is detected.
I tried manipulating the file’s contents but got a message Operation not permitted.
Checking the file’s attributes.
Since ‘a’ (append only) flag is enabled, we can append our code within the script to escalate our privileges.
I appended a reverse shell in the script which will connect back to my machine as root.
On my machine I started up a netcat listener
Now I need to login using ssh again and I’ll get a connection back to my machine.
Thanks for reading!